This article will guide staff through editing permission folder Writing Up New Agreements to add or delete selected permission, Can change agreement price without having to add a note.
1. Permission for Staff Type
Navigate to Setup > Staff > Staff & Permissions.
2. Adding a Note during Agreement Write Up
Click on Main > New Agreement.
Search for the client you are writing the agreement for. Locate the sales package and proceed to Step 1. Once you have made changes to the price, proceed to Optional Note. Since they do not have the permission to change price without a note, they will be required to add a note.
Click SAVE AND GO TO STEP 2 - REVIEW & FINALIZE to continue with the agreement write up.
Requirements - A 'Master Admin' login or a staff login with the following permissions.
- Writing Up New Agreements: Can write up new agreement
- Writing Up New Agreements: Can change agreement price without having to add a note