This article will review the options for branding your ClubReady site. If you are in need of assistance with branding your site or login page, please contact support and we will be happy to assist you!
NOTE: When reviewing the section on designing your login page, please note that a knowledge of html is also required.
1. Setting a Color Scheme
Your Color Scheme will display in all login areas. If you require a Color Scheme that is not available, please contact support and we can potentially create a new color scheme to match your needs.
To set your Color Scheme, got to; Setup > General > Branding > Color Scheme.
Color scheme choices are listed to the right, to select, click on your preferred Color Scheme and then click Update Color Scheme.
2. Uploading Your Logo
You may use simple text or upload your logo as the header of your site. The text or logo you choose here will display at the top of every page.
To upload your logo, go to Setup > General > Branding > Logo.
First select the radial next to the Use A Logo option and then select Choose File. After selecting the GIF or JPG file from your computer, select Update. You may need to refresh your browser to see your newly uploaded logo appear at the top of the page. If your logo does not appear or appears as a small picture box please try reducing the size of your file and uploading the reduced file.
3. Customizing Your Login Page
When your users visit your unique URL for ClubReady they initially reach a login page. This login page can be a default page or you can create your own page that matches exactly the look of your site. To customize your login page, you will need to use html.
Go to; Setup > General > Branding > Login Page. You will create a header and footer that surround your login box. Make sure to click Update at the bottom of the page to save.
4. Setting Dashboard Colors
The widgets on the dashboards can display color coding at the top of each widget, these colors can be customized. To customize your Dashboard widget colors, go to; Setup > General > Branding > Dashboard Colors. Click the color box to select a new color. When you are ready, click Update to save your changes.
5. About
This text is displayed in the customer login areas and contains a description of your business. You can use limited HTML in this text. To enter the description, go to Setup > General > Branding > About. Enter your text and click Update.
Requirements - A 'Master Admin' login or a staff login with the following permissions.
- Club Setup - Can access setup
- Club Setup - Can access branding setup