This article will guide you through the different ways to exceed the number set for "Max Open Bookings".
1. Check 'Max Open Booking' Setting
Navigate to Setup > Scheduling > Scheduling Settings > Maximum Open Bookings.
2. Max Open Bookings Setting Cross-Club
Max number of bookings is based off each club.
For Example: If Club A has 15 as their limit and Club B has 15 as their limit then a member could have 30 total open bookings if they have 15 open bookings at each club.
3. Wait-list Bookings
When a client has an Amenity or Membership Type that allows them to book versus using credits, these wait list bookings do not count towards their max number of open bookings if the wait list bookings are made BEFORE a client reaches their max number of open bookings.
For Example: If my club's max is 15 open bookings and I have 10 open bookings, I can make as many wait list bookings as a member before I reach my max number of 15 open bookings. If I get moved from the wait list into the class after reaching my 15 max bookings I have now exceeded my max number of open bookings.
4. Exclude from Max Open Booking Setting
Under the Setup of each individual service and class there is a setting called Exclude from max open bookings?. If toggled to YES, this means that this class or service, when booked into, will NOT counts the members total max open bookings.
For Example: If the max limit is set to 15 but this service is excluded, any open session bookings they have wont count towards their total. If they have 15 open class bookings and 2 open session bookings, then the system will let them have 17 open bookings.
5. Unlogged, Past Bookings
Any open bookings that are in the past will not count towards the max open bookings, so it may look like the member have exceeded their max, but they will want to check to see if any of the open bookings are from past dates.
Requirements - A 'Master Admin' login or a staff login with the following permissions.
- Club Setup: Can access setup
- Club Setup: Can access scheduling general setting