This video and article will walk you through Member Management at the Corporate level including: Client Lookup, Moving a Client from one location to another and Forcing an agreement into 3rd Party Status.
1. Client Lookup
Navigate to Members > Lookup Members.
Within the Name dropdown menu, you will be able to Search User By Name, Email, User ID, Barcode or External User ID. Additionally, you may choose to search by: Division / District / Club, Filter By Status or using the Other Filters options. Once your filters are set, click Search.
2. Move Member
From Members > Move Member lookup the user by their user ID, select the location in which the user is to be moved and click Move to this Club.
3. Force Third Party
Navigate to Members > Force Third Party. From here, Enter Agreement ID for the user to be placed into Third Party Status and click Lookup. Then select to Force To Third Party.
Requirements - A 'Master Admin' login or a staff login with the following permissions.
- Corporate - General: Can access customers tab
- Corporate - General: Can access client move tool
- Corporate - General: Can access force third-party tool