This article will walk you through how to send an email blast to members booked on a specific class.
Please Note:
- These emails are transactional, not promotional. Opted out members will still receive this email.
- Only email templates with [bookingsdetail] tags will display the virtual meeting link, if added to the class details.
- Email templates will need [content] and [unsubscribe] tags.
1. Locating the Class: Navigate to Bookings > Day List or Bookings > Classes. Locate the desired class and click on it.
2. Sending an Email Blast: Clicking on the class will open up the class detail screen. Click on the Email Tab to proceed.
- Reply To: This will list the default reply to email address based on your club settings. This is the email address that replies will be sent to if your member chooses to respond to your blast. Staff with permissions may use the pencil to adjust this email.
- Subject: This will allow you to enter the subject line for your email.
- Template: This is the template that is assigned. You have the options to view the template or to change to an alternate email template.
- Attendees: Select from the drop down multiple attendees, SELECT ALL or CLOSE.
Requirements - A 'Master Admin' login or a staff login with the following permissions.
- Scheduling - Can access scheduling
- Member Management: Communication - Can email bulk members