This video and article will guide you through setting up booking flags for services created at the Corporate level.
Navigate to Setup > Scheduling > Services.
Select the edit pencil icon next to the service you need to add/edit a booking flag.
Once you are in the service, select the Booking Flags tab. From here, you can manage the following settings:
Name of New Booking Flag - Enter the name of the booking flag
Apply This Rule To - Select from the drop down the session length you wish o apply this booking flag to.
Number of Bookings - Choose how many Services bookings Counting From Start or are Remaining
Reminder Flag (always visible to admins) - which will show on the schedule to providers. After you select this option you will be able to enter what text you would like to show up on the screen.
Reminder Flag appears on schedule visible to providers
Reminder Flag appears on schedule visible to customers
Email Customer - There is also an option to Email the customer when the booking is logged as completed. If you choose to email the customer this section will expand so you may enter the Email Subject and Email message text.
Click Add The New Service Booking Flag Rule to save your changes.
Requirements - A 'Master Admin' login or a staff login with the following permissions.
- Corporate - General: Can access corporate setup