This video and article will guide you through how to create or edit a contract for your site at the Corporate level. Creating contracts at chain level allows added control by the corporate office.
1. Add New Contract Template
Navigate to Setup > Sales and Metrics > Contract Templates.
Enter the New Template Name. If you already have a contract entered in the system that you would like to create a copy of, select it from the Clone an Existing Template drop down menu. Then click Add the Template. Your templates can be edited by selecting the edit pencil next to the template name.
2. Contract Template Overview
The template tab is where you will create and edit your contract.
Settings Tab
This is the first section on the template tab.
Contract Type - There are three types of contracts that can be created; New Agreement, Freeze, and Cancellation. Selecting a specific contract type here, will determine the tags that will be effective in the template.
Template Internal Name- This is the name of the template for organizational purposes. This will not be displayed to your customers.
Restrict Access By Group - If the contract is being created at corporate level, a group can be defined. This allows this particular contract to only be available to clubs within that group. This is accomplished by using the Cross Club Settings at Corporate Level. To learn more about Cross Club Settings, click here.
Disabled - If set to Yes the contract cannot be used.
Generate PDF Watermark - Select Yes to add a watermark to the PDF version of the contract
Contract Header
Contract Header Text - The contract header text can be edited by clicking the edit pencil to where you can change the name of your club in text.
Contract Template Editing Tool
This is the yellow tool box that allows you adjust the text within your template. You will use this to format your text, paragraphs and insert tags.
Creating and Editing The Contract Body
The last section of the template editor is where you will actually be able to enter or edit the actual contract. Notice that html can be used by selecting the Show HTML View option.
Signature Tags
For each Signature tag defined in the text of your contract from the Template tab, you will create text that will describe the signature being collected to your member during write-up. If this is an employee signature you can flag it. You can also flag that signature is required.
Where Is It Used?
This will list the sales packages that this particular contract is tied to.
Change History
The Change History will list dates of changes and the staff member that was responsible for the identified change.
Tag Reference
There are several tags available to be used when creating a contract template. This tab will list all available tags and what information will be pulled into the contract to replace the used tag. Please note that tags are case sensitive.
Requirements - A 'Master Admin' login or a staff login with the following permissions.
- Corporate - General: Can access corporate setup