This article will guide you on how to add and/or edit an additional class name.
Classes show the name of the class that was entered in setup - but you might want to differentiate these classes further without having to create a whole new class type.
For example - you might want to add Beginner / Advanced to a certain type of class so your members can better choose which class to attend.
The ability to add/update these additional names is an admin permission - so you will need to give your staff types this permission for them to be able to adjust these additional names.
1. Adding or Editing Additional Class Name
Navigate to Bookings > Classes > select the class.
If the class does not have an additional class name there will be a link add an additional class name.
If the class already has an additional class name and you need to edit it, click on the edit pencil to update
2. Bulk Adjust Additional Class Name
The bulk class edit tools (list/edit view) has an option that lets you update these names in bulk with ease. Go to Bookings > Classes > list/edit.
Select the date range.
Choose the classes you are wanting to adjust.
Choose +Additional Class Name > Type in new Additional name for the selected classes > Update Additional Class Name.
3. Allowing Clients To See Additional Class Name
You might want these additional names to just be for staff only to see. In class setup you can turn on/off if clients see any secondary class names (in their login, or if you publish your class schedules on your website).
To access the screen below go to Setup > Scheduling > Classes > edit pencil for the existing class.
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. Can I remove all Additional Names in bulk?
Yes, Follow the above steps and leave the Additional Class Name blank, then update.
2. Can I filter by an additional class name on the Edit / List feature?
This is not available at this time. You will want to filter by class type.
Requirements - A 'Master Admin' login or a staff login with the following permissions.
- Classes: Can access classes
- Classes: Can add / edit secondary scheduled class names