This article and video will guide you through assigning or updating a pincode for a prospect, customer or member.
1. Locate Client Profile
Search for the prospect/member/customer then click on the All Detail icon.
From the All Detail page, click the Check-in tab. Then select Check-in Kiosk Pincode Setup. For this option to be available, pincode must be the selected method of checkin under Setup > General > Check In Web Kiosk.
2. Assign a Pincode
On the Check In Kiosk PIN Code Setup window, input a 4 digit Access PIN Code needed, or click Does Not Have A PIN - Generate One. After a PIN code has been entered, click on Update Status to save the information.
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. Why don't I have the option to update or assign a client's pincode?
You must have the appropriate permissions to update or assign a client pincode. Permissions Include: Member Management : Can access client options & Member Management - Can update client pincodes.
2. Is it possible to change pincodes in the Check In Monitor?
You are not able to update a pincode from check-in. Ideally they already have a pincode and they are swiping it to check in. If you need to access a customer account while at check in, you can click on their name and it will take you to their full options page where you can update their information.
Requirements - A 'Master Admin' login or a staff login with the following permissions.
- Customer Management : General - Can access client options
- Club Check-In - Can update check-in pincode