This article will guide you through understanding the different colors available when viewing your Check In Monitor or your Booking's Day List.
Check In Monitor
Navigate to Main > Check In Monitor.
When looking at the list of customers who have checked into your club, you might notice their profile is displaying a specific color. Please refer below to what each color means:
Red - Customer is Past Due or Inactive (expired membership). Take action items will be outlined in red.
Blue - Customer is in Frozen Status.
White - This indicates a successful check in (Account has no issues).
Other (Purple, Brown, Green, Etc.) - This is based on their Membership Type. You can set a unique color to identify this membership type upon check-in (Setup > Members > Membership Types).
Setup > Members > Membership Types
Day List
Navigate to Bookings > Day List.
When looking at the list of customers booked in your club, you might notice around their profile picture is showing a color. Please refer below to what each color means:
Green - Customer showed for the booking.
Orange/Yellow - Customer does not have a waiver on their account.
Red - Customer was marked as a No Show.
Requirements - A 'Master Admin' login or a staff login with the following permissions.
- Club Check In: Can view club check-in monitor
- Scheduling: Can access scheduling