This article and video will guide you through adding/removing alerts on a client's account.
1. Access Client Profile
Search and select the desired member. Select the Member tab. Once a member has been selected click on All Details > General > Alerts.
2. Adding An Alert
This Alerts function allows staff to set a reminder or an alert about a particular member.
Add A New Alert - allows you to enter a new message for staff.
Expires - allows you to enter the date you wish the alert to expire. Leave this blank for if you do not wish for it to expire.
Notify Customer At Self Check-In - this box allows you to enter the message you wish the customer to see at the check-in kiosk. If selected the customer would immediately be notified, upon check-in, of the alert.
3. Removing An Alert
Click the X next to the Alert you want to remove from the member's account.
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. What is the difference between Alert & Note?
An alert will appear in a red bar at your check-in monitor & on the customer profile page. This allows an alert to stand out & be an immediate notification. You can also set alerts to expire, notes have no expiration.
A note appears when viewing customer notes page or when generating a notes report. Notes are not as prominent & have no option to be enabled to appear at check-in.
2. Can an alert be edited or removed from check-in monitor?
When a customer appears with an alert at your check-in monitor you have there is a manage alerts option available to select. Selecting to manage alerts will navigate you to the alerts page on the customer profile. You may add or remove alerts from this page.
Requirements - A 'Master Admin' login or a staff login with the following permissions.
- Customer Management: General: Can access client options
- Customer Management: General: Can delete client alerts