This article and video will guide you through merging a duplicate profile. There may be an instance where a prospect, member or customer has been entered into ClubReady twice and you want to merge their accounts together.
1. Locate Client Profile
Locate the member profile you want to keep. Select All Details > General > Merge Another with This User.
- HELPFUL TIP: Make sure to complete the merge from the profile with the agreement/membership or the most up-to-date information.
NOTE: In order to merge, profiles must have the same name, email, or phone number. This will be based on your Similar User Settings. The only field that is required to be the same is the email, as that is the default set in the system.
To review this setting , you can go to your Setup > Leads > Similar User Settings.
2. Completing The Merge
Once there, all possible matches will appear on this page. Select accounts you wish to merge with this user. Click the Do Merge button to complete the merge.
- Always verify you are merging with the correct user. Most information in each profile will be similar or identical. Check the member ID (located next to name) to be sure you are keeping or deleting the correct user.
- When merges occur, you will always need to go back and manually reinput the membership expiration date and membership type.
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. How can I prevent duplicate profiles?
A few suggestions to help prevent creating duplicate profiles:
- Prevent creating duplicate profiles by pausing to view possible duplicate suggestions which appear when adding a profile.
- When adding a new prospect you can select boxes to include specific fields in a duplicate search.
- Another prevention measure can be added to check fields by a default. Review our Similar User Settings article for details.
2. How can I merge profiles when duplicate exists under a different location?
You will first need to Transfer Customer Profile From One Site To Another. Upon completing the transfer you will be able to merge profiles.
Requirements - A 'Master Admin' login or a staff login with the following permissions.
- Customer Management : General : Can access client options
- Customer Management : General : Can merge clients
Chain Club Requirements - A Corporate Master Admin login or corporate staff login with the following permissions:
- Member Management : General: Can access client options
- Member Management : General: Can merge clients