This article and video will guide you through emailing a client their login information and an option to reset their password to the ClubReady Wellness Portal.
1. Verify Client Has Email On File
To access this screen click search and select the desired client. Verify the client has an email address, if not click the edit pencil to enter one.
2. Sending Their Login Information
Click the All Detail button.
Click on the General Tab. Select the link for Email Their Login & Reset Password, a confirmation message login details sent will appear.
3. Example of Email Client Receives
Here is an example of the email the client will receive. They can click on the web address link at the bottom and enter in their username and password to log into their wellness portal.
NOTE: You may want to recommend the client bookmark the web address so they do not have to remember the address.
4. Confirm Email Has Been Sent
To verify that the login email was sent by ClubReady search and select the client again. On the summary screen click on the Past 30 Days Tab. This tab shows all communication for the last 30 days for the client. Look at the log and verify that the email was sent.
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. Client would like to use email as username but the username is already in use. How do I reset their username?
The only way for the client to use an email address already in the system of another club is to reach out to that club and ask them to remove that email address from the account there. If this is not an option, client will have to use a different email address or username.
2. Is there a way to reset a client's password for them?
Yes, you can change a clients password within their profile instead of emailing the client for them to reset. Client > All Detail > General > Edit Their Profile > Scroll down to Online Site Details > New Password.
Requirements - A 'Master Admin' login or a staff login with the following permissions.
- Customer Management : General - Can access client options