This article will guide you on how to select a responsible member as the form of payment for a sales package during the agreement write up or at the Point Of Sale.
- The sales package needs to be enabled to allow OTHER MEMBER as a payment type.
- Learn more about the difference between Responsible vs. Associated members HERE and how this will display in their profile.
Taking Payment During Agreement Write Up
Navigate to Main > New Agreement.
Search and select the member or prospect. Proceed to select the sales package and complete Step 1 of the agreement write up process. To learn more on how to write up a new agreement, click here.
Once you are on Step 2, it will prompt you to select the payment method. If the responsible member will be paying, select MEMBER and search for the responsible member.
Click Add Responsible Member.
Once you link the responsible member, select the MEMBER option to choose the payment method on their file. Continue to finalize the agreement.
Taking Payment At The POS
To access this screen, go to Main > POS. Search and select the new member or prospect.
Once you have the member selected, you can start purchasing a sales package (only applies to a Service Package or Membership Add On). Use product search or select sales package from the quick pad. The sales package purchased will appear on this section of the screen. To modify the price or remove, click on the item to make the adjustment and select Update. Once you have the sales package selected click the CHECKOUT button to advance to the payment screen.
Select CARD or BANK ACH for the preferred method that will be made by the responsible member. Select ON FILE to choose the credit card or bank ACH already saved on the responsible member's account.
Once selected, it will display the payment method chosen with the last 4 digits of the responsible member's payment profile. Select which employee should get credit for the sale. Click the button COMPLETE THIS SALE to finish the purchase process.
Requirements - A 'Master Admin' login or a staff login with the following permissions.
- Writing Up New Agreements - Can write up new agreements
- Point Of Sale (POS) - Can access POS terminals
- Point Of Sale (POS) - Can run as other user