This video and article will guide you through signing a new membership agreement for a client.
1. Select Client
Navigate to Main > Write Up New Agreement (or New Agreement depending on your menu style). Search and select the desired client.
2. Verify Client Information
All fields that have the required icon (REQ) need to be filled out. All other fields are optional. Once you have verified all information click Continue to Packages to proceed.
3. Select Package
Click on the folder that has the package your client will be purchasing.
4. Agreement Setup
The top portion of this page is a summary of the purchasing client selected and the package.
Write Up New Agreement For - This displays the name of the client that the package will be tied to.
Select Initial Term Below - If the package selected has multiple installment plans, you will select the desired one here.
Package Title - The package being sold will be listed here, including a brief description of what is included.
Buyers Name - You can change the buyers name if they are different than the customer
Included Amenities - If the package selected includes amenities, these will be listed here. Depending on how the package is setup, you may also be able to select which amenities to include.
Agreement Classification - You have the ability to mark the current agreement as either a New agreement, Renewal, Upgrade or Downgrade.
Opportunity Setup - The initial planned payments and their due dates will be listed. You have the option here to adjust amounts coming due and/or their due dates.
Auto-Renew Evergreen - If this agreement is setup to roll over into auto-renew status that will be detailed here. If the package settings allow the customer to opt-out of auto-renew, you will be able to toggle this option to No.
Annual Enhancement Fee - If an Enhancement Fee is included in this package it will be detailed. Adjustments can be made if the current staff member has the following permission: Member Management: Managing Agreements - Can edit club enhancement fees for agreements
Responsible staff for an agreement defines who will receive the commission for this sale. This option can be set to be a required field. To learn more on how to force staff selection during agreement write up, click here.
Select the Responsible Staff from the drop down. The Current User option has been added allowing you to to select the currently logged in user even if they do not belong to that location.
If you wish to split the sale with another employee, select Split sale between staff and choose the employees from the provided drop downs. For follow up tasks, choose from the Assign Staff drop down.
You may add a note in the agreement under the Optional Note field.
Once you are finished click the button SAVE AND GO TO STEP 2 - Review & Finalize.
5. Review and Agreement Signature
The Review Summary of the agreement terms are displayed here.
Once you click on the UNSIGNED AGREEMENT CLICK TO REVIEW & SIGN option, your client can review the terms of their contract. You can skip to specific signatures by using the Jump To Signature tool.
Click to Sign will bring up a box to collect the client signature.
Click To Skip This Signature - Depending on how your club has setup the contract and staff permissions it may be possible to skip a signature.
Draw Your Signature - Depending on the type of signature field have the customer sign the agreement.
Click Signature Complete to save the signature.
6. Taking Down Payment
Select the payment method the customer will use to pay their dues. From here you can select AT POS, CARD, BANK ACH, EXTERNAL, CHECK or CASH. Click FINALIZE THE AGREEMENT.
7. Completing The Agreement
Now that the agreement has been finalized, you will view the Summary & Options For This Agreement page. From here, you can decide what your next action will be in regards to the agreement or the customer's account.
Requirements - A 'Master Admin' login or a staff login with the following permissions.
- Writing Up New Agreements: Can write up new agreements