This article will guide you in setting up discounts that will be applied to products in the POS.
Creating Your Discount
Navigate to Setup > Products > Product Discounts. All active discount schemes will show as a list. Use the search box to type in a discount name to search for it. You an also enter in a start date and an end date to search for discounts and then only discounts active within the date range will be displayed. There is also an option to Include Expired And Cancelled Discounts.
To create a new discount, click on Add Discount.
Enter in the Discount Settings:
Discount Name - Name of your discount.
Promo Code (Optional) - Enter in an optional promo code.
Discount Amount - This can be a percentage or amount. Select either option and type in the percentage of this discount, or dollar amount.
Start Date - Start date of the discount.
End Date (Optional) - Optional end date of the discount. If blank, no end date.
Automatically Apply - Select Yes/No to automatically apply this discount to any products that have this discount assigned to them.
Discount By - How would you like the discount to be applied? Use the drop down menu to select a Vendor, Category, or Custom. Custom discounts allow you to choose specific products to apply a discount scheme to. When searching for products you can choose to Include Chain Products : Yes/No. Type in a product name or choose a product from the category list drop down menu. Then click on Add to List, and either Cancel or Save.
Using The Discount At The POS
Navigate to Main > POS to open up your point of sale. Click on the desired products to add them to the register checkout screen. Products that are set to automatically apply a discount will need to action. The discount will be automatically applied.
At the upper right hand corner of your register screen there is a drop down menu where you can Select Discount. Use the drop down menu to choose your desired discount, type in the optional promo code, and click on Apply.
Products that apply for the selected discount will display a star icon and a note of which discount was applied and how much was saved off of the product price.
Requirements - A 'Master Admin' login or a staff login with the following permissions.
- Setup: can access setup
- Setup: can access discount schemes setup