This article will guide you through adding a new product to your site.
1. General Settings: To create a new product go to Setup > Products > Products. To edit an existing product, search and select the product from your products list.
Disabled? - Uncheck this box to enable the Product for sale.
Product Name - If you are using a barcode scanner to ring out your Product you may enter that here.
Product Code - enter the number of the product.
3rd Party Product Code - Add 3rd party barcode if needed.
Short/Long Description - Optional short and/or long description about the Product.
Parent Product - Choose the Parent Product associated with the product if needed.
Uses The Images Of Another Product - If you have uploaded an image you may select the image from the drop-down menu. (See Step 3 to add an image)
Barcode - Enter/scan barcode of product.
Income Class - Select an income class if needed.
Wholesale Price - Add the wholesale price which is the price you pay for the Product.
Standard Sales Price - The standard sales price this Product is sold for.
Non-Taxable? - Select if you want to make this product non-taxable.
Sales Tax Schedule - To have sales tax applied it must be selected from this drop-down menu.
Allow Discount? - Select if you are allowing your staff to apply a discount to this product.
Product Reorder Level - Type the reorder level for this product.
Complete the fields and Click To Update Product Settings.
2. Categories: Click on an available Product Category to add this Product to the category.
NOTE: If you need to create a product category please click here.
3. Variations: In order to create variations, you will need to assign your product to a category on the previous tab. Then on the Variations tab you can begin to create variations such as sizes, colors, flavors, etc. Select + New Attribute to create your variations. You may chose to create multiple variations. For example, your drink may come in flavor and size options.
4. New Values: You will name your attribute, such as flavor. For the attribute you will the add New Values. These will be your options within the attribute. In the example shown, we are using "flavor" as the attribute and the values as the flavor options.
5. Add New: Once you have created attributes, you can select combinations from the attribute dropdown and Add New. Click on any existing Variation to setup unique values for prices.
6. Images: Add an Image to the Product by clicking on Choose File which will allow you to select an image from your computer. Once you have selected an image click Upload It.
7. Vendors: Click Add Vendor to assign the Product to a Vendor. You will also be able to assign how much lead time the Vendor requires for an order. To learn how to create a Vendor, please click here.
8. Groups (Corporate Level Setting): To assign a group to a corporate product you will go the Groups tab on the product. Select the group that you wish to add this product to and click Add. To learn how to create a Cross-Club Settings group, please click here.
Requirements - A 'Master Admin' login or a staff login with the following permissions.
- Setup: Can access Setup
- Setup: Can access products setup