This article will explain how you can use agreement classification to start an agreement in the future, upgrade an agreement, downgrade an agreement or renew an existing agreement for a member.
NOTE: This option must be enabled for each individual sales package. You will find this in the Eligibility Tab for the Sales Packages.
1. Writing Up The Agreement
Proceed to new agreement write-up (Main > New Agreement) and select a sales package. Once you are on Step 1, select the package installment. Next, you will see Agreement Classification defaulting to New and Today's Date.
2. Select Classification - allows you to select from the drop down if this is classified as New, Renewal, Upgrade or Downgrade.
- New: brand new agreement that is not an upgrade, downgrade or renewal. This will not affect any other agreements on the account, but will allow you to set the start date in the future
- Renewal: the new agreement you are writing up will renew off the member's current agreement (if selected)
- Upgrade: the new agreement you are writing up will upgrade off the member's current agreement (if selected)
- Downgrade: the new agreement you are writing up will downgrade off the member's current agreement (if selected)
Once you select the classification, a list of all of the customer's agreements will display with the following information:
- Contract ID: this will show the ClubReady agreement ID number.
- Package Name: this will show the name for the sales package.
- Status: this will show if the agreement is currently Active or Inactive.
- Contract End Date: this will show when is the end date for that agreement.
- Evergreen: this will show if the agreement is currently on Auto Renew or not. The green leaf indicates Auto Renew is turned ON.
- Cancel all future bookings?: if set to Yes, any future booking tied to the old agreement will be cancelled.
You will notice that when an agreement is selected, the Start Date will update to the selected agreement's contract end date.
The Start Date is when the new agreement will become active and when the selected agreement will be cancelled. Although the date defaults to the selected agreement's contract end date, the Start Date can be edited to today's date or a different future date. After selecting the date you want the new agreement to start, navigate to Opportunity Setup.
You'll notice that the first invoice due date default's to the new agreement Start Date. You have the ability to update the first invoice due today, on a different future date or keep it the same as the new agreement Start Date.
NOTE: changing the first invoice due date does not change the new agreement Start Date.
Once everything is completed on Step 1 of new agreement write up, proceed with Step 2 & finalize the agreement.
Member's Account After Using Agreement Classification
The old agreement will cancel on the new agreement start date, and the new agreement will activate on the start date. If the new agreement has a specific membership type, amenity, and/or credits those will only populate on the member's account when the first invoice on the agreement has been paid and the new agreement is activated.
Reporting Upgrades/Downgrades/Renewals
When using Agreement Classification you can use the Agreement Log report to see which agreements were Upgrades/Downgrades/Renewals.
Navigate to Reports > Sales > Agreement Log and enter the date range you want > select Detail > and generate the report. On the column "Agreement Notes" you can filter notes to see "This agreement is a [Upgrade/Downgrade/Renewal] of agreement #".
Requirements - A 'Master Admin' login or a staff login with the following permissions.
- Writing Up New Agreements - Can write up new agreements
- Writing Up New Agreements - Can mark agreement as renewal
- Writing Up New Agreements - Can mark agreement as upgrade/downgrade