This article will assist you with steps on how to add credit on account at the Point of Sale.
Please Note:
- The Point of Sale terminal has to have Can Add Credit On Account enabled in Setup > Sales > POS Terminals > General Settings.
1. Choose Member: Navigate to POS > Click To Lookup A Person. Type out the Member/Customer name and choose them from the list that pops up, or you may choose to click on Recent Check-In's Or Agreements. Click on Add Credit to Account. Enter in amount of credit desired.
Click Add.
2. Complete Purchase: Click Checkout to complete the sale.
3. Select Payment Method: If the club is giving the member a credit then you will want to select Cash or External (if the option is available.) If a gift card is being purchased you will want to select the correct method of payment; enter amount needed for the credit.
Note: If someone wishes to use a gift card as their payment method (to create a positive account balance), your best option is to use the payment type External.
4. Click COMPLETE THIS SALE to finish the transaction.
Any amounts added to Credit On Account will show on the POS receipt as Credit On Account and also will show on the Member/Customer invoices list as the same.
Requirements - A 'Master Admin' login or a staff login with the following permissions.
- Point Of Sale (POS) - Can access POS terminals