This article will guide you through changing what a client can update in their wellness portal.
1. Access Client Settings
Navigate to Setup > General > General Settings.
Click on the Features ON / OFF tab.
Scroll down to the fields where the category of General Client Login. Click On for any features you want the client to have control over. Click Off anything you do not want them to have access to.
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. What does Payment History mean?
This is the list of previous payments made on this user account.
2. What does Session Credit History mean?
This is the list of when credits were used, when credits expire, and how many credits remain in the account.
3. If a client uploads a photo, what is the size limit?
File must be .jpg and under 2MB in size.
4. If I allow a client to Delete Payment Profiles, can they delete all payment profiles?
Yes. They will have the ability to delete all payment profiles on file
Requirements - A 'Master Admin' login or a staff login with the following permissions.
- Club Setup: Can access setup
- Club Setup: Can access general settings