This article will guide you through options when cancelling a past due agreement.
Locate the member/customer's agreement you wish to cancel under All Detail > Billing > Agreements > Full Details. Click on the option on the left menu to Cancel This Agreement. When cancelling a past due agreement you are presented with a few options.
1. Take Payment Now Of $xx.xx In Past Dues At POS - This will select the member in the point of sale and allow you to take a payment on their past due balance.
NOTE: This may bring past due amounts from other agreements into the point of sale.
2. Force Into Third Party Collections Cancelled Status - This option will cancel the agreement and place it into third party collections status.
3. Cancel This Agreement Effective Immediately - This option will allow you to cancel the agreement effective immediately. You have the option to Cancel all future bookings. Then click on Do Agreement Cancellation.
4. Schedule This Agreement To Auto Cancel On A Future Date - This option will cause the agreement to be auto-cancelled on a future date. You have the option of cancel unpaid late fees, cancel unpaid return fees, cancel unpaid past dues, or cancel all future bookings by selecting Yes or No. Then click on Add Scheduled Agreement Cancellation.
5. Cancel & Refund All Payments To A Credit Balance For A Rewrite - This option will allow the customer to be charged a cancellation fee in this agreement. The click on Refund All Payments To A Credit Balance.
Requirements - A 'Master Admin' login or a staff login with the following permissions.
- Customer Management : General - Can access client options
- Customer Management : Managing Agreements - Can view client agreements
- Customer Management : Managing Agreements - Can cancel agreements
- Customer Management : Managing Agreements - Can manually force past due agreements into 3rd party collections status