This article and video will assist you in assigning a primary trainer to a client. Even with a Primary Trainer a client may book with other trainers.
1. Locate Client Profile
Lookup your client and select All Detail > Bookings > Assign A Primary Trainer.
2. Assign a Trainer
If a current trainer is assigned you will see the name of that trainer next to Current Primary Assigned Trainer. To add or change this selection choose a name from the Select New Primary Trainer drop-down. Click Update. Any changes made to a customer's primary trainer will be recorded and can be viewed in the change history at the bottom of the screen.
3. Primary Trainer Filter
You may use Filters to filter your list of customers by their primary trainer. From the Customer/Members tab click on the 3 bars which is located under the Search box. From the filter options you may choose a specific trainer from the All Primary Trainers drop-down. This will filter down your list of customers to only customers where the assigned primary trainer is the trainer you have selected.
Requirements - A 'Master Admin' login or a staff login with the following permissions.
- Customer Management: General - Can access client options
- Customer Management: Credits & Bookings - Can change primary trainer