This article will guide you through how to perform a partial refund. This tool allows you to refund a portion of the amount paid for an invoice.
1. Locate Client Profile
Search and select the desired client. Click the Billing button to access invoices.
2. Locate Invoice
Find the invoice you wish to refund and click on the invoice ID number located before the description.
3. Perform Partial Refund
Click on Partial Refund: Yes. This will allow you to then split the invoice into two amounts.
Invoice # Amount will be the new dollar amount the member should have paid. In the example, we should have only charged this member $50.
New Split Invoice Amount will be the amount you wish to refund. In the example, we are refunding this member $25.
- NOTE: When processing a split refund with tax, the tax has to be split as well.
Click on Refund New Split Invoice : Yes to refund this amount back to the member. Be sure to select the Refund Method from the drop down menu.
Refund methods include:
Credit Back To Card - This will credit the member's original credit card. This option is only available for 120 days after the purchase date.
Cash - You will be providing this member a refund in cash.
Written Check - You will be providing this member with a written check refund.
Client Credit Balance - This member will receive the refund amount as a credit balance. This amount will be held for the member to make a purchase in ClubReady. No actual money is given back to the member.
- NOTE: Refunds issued back to Client Credit Balance (credit on account) by accident can be reversed. Reach out to ClubReady Support to complete the process.
Click on Refund $ to process the refund, then confirm.
The invoice has been split in to two, and part has been refunded. The refunded invoice will be crossed out and the status will be Refunded. The paid invoice will have a note stating the price was adjusted from the original invoice ID.
NOTE: Void Business Logic
In the case of an attempt to refund a payment within the first 48 hours of the payment for an amount of anything less than the full value of the payment, ClubReady will attempt to refund (not void) the payment through the gateway.
No further action on your end is required for this to happen. Simply follow steps to execute this partial refund action. Once this is done you can go into the client's Billing > Invoices/Payments/Refunds/ Transaction ledger > Refunds to view the record of the partial refund as well as any other refunds to date.
Requirements - A 'Master Admin' login or a staff login with the following permissions.
- Prospect Management - Can access prospects
- Member Management : General - Can access member options
- Member Management : Payments Related - Can view member billing information
- Member Management : Payments Related - Can issue refunds
- Member Management : Payments Related - Can adjust paid invoices