This is a short synopsis of what you can do if a client claims they have been double billed.
1. Review the Payment History
The first thing to do when a client claims they have been double charged by a club is to review their payments history. This can be done in their Billing > Invoices / Payments / Refunds / Transaction Ledger > Payments. The dates of each charge will be listed in descending order from most recent to oldest, each one with a payment date and price listed. Keep in mind that a payment in ClubReady can consist of two or more separate invoices, so there could be a case for a total transaction that covers two separate charges. You can verify this by clicking on the blue payment number to see the invoices for the total charge.
Checking the prices and date of the charge would be the first step in seeing if a second transaction was truly ran under their account.
2. Review Their Bank Statement
ClubReady transactions show up on the customers end differently than they do in their profiles on the website. These are called Billing Descriptors and are universal for any payment ran through ClubReady. You can verify these by looking at the client's bank statement and see if the charge follows this format:
CLR*clubname clubphone
The total characters allowed on these descriptors is 25 including prefix.
Example: CLR*ClubReadGym3142225588
If you see any other billing descriptor on the claimed date for the double charge then this means that this particular charge was not ran through ClubReady.
3. Last Four Digits of the Account
Once you have verified the Billing Descriptor the last step you can take is searching your site for any charge with the last four digits of the credit card or bank account. To do this, click on the magnifying glass in the upper right of the screen.
From here, change the drop down to Last 4 CC/Bank and enter the digits as they appear on the client's bank statement.
Any charges ran through your site will appear under this section when you search for the card or bank account this way. The name, date and price of the charge can be verified this way. You can use this tool to see if the charge was ran under any other client in your club, which is often the case (a spouse, their son/daughter, etc).
4. Payment Transaction Report
You can also use this report to locate a transaction that happened on a specific date.
Reports - Payment Transactions
5. If Unable to Locate Data
Please reach out to ClubReady Support for more assistance. Our team will escalate this issue to our Tier group in order for our Developers to search the system for the duplicate charges.