This article will guide you through generating the Business Plan report. This report is divided into four sections: Backlog Sessions, Incomplete Sessions, Past Clients, and Active Sessions.
Please Note:
- To export the data, select the floppy disk and choose your method of export: CSV (comma delimited), PDF, or Excel.
- This report will list prospect and/or customers/members that have credits that are older than a specified number of days. Enter in a number of days since credits were last added. You can also choose to include 'Only Members' and exclude prospects.
- The retrieval of reports is limited to a 10-year timeframe from the current date, and the download process may vary in duration depending on the selected time frame.
- Reports are not customizable.
- This report reflects outcomes in real-time.
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Backlog Sessions Tab
Incomplete Sessions Tab
Past Clients Tab
Active Sessions Tab
Backlog Sessions Tab
Report Definitions
Location Name: Club/studio location name.
User ID: User ID of the member.
Name: Member Name.
Cell: Member's cell phone number.
Home: Member's home phone number.
Work: Member's work phone number.
Email: Member's email address.
Join Date: Member's join date.
Expire Date: Member's expiration date.
First Issued: Date that credits were first issued.
Last Issued: Date that credits were last issued.
Next Drop: Date of the next scheduled payment where credits will be released.
Available: Total number of available session credits.
Used / Lost: Number of used and lost credits.
Expired: Number of expired credits.
Scheduled: Number of credits that have a scheduled booking tied to them.
Future Scheduled: This is the number of session credits that have been used for bookings in the future.
Total Available: This is the number of session credits that are available to be booked.
Not Dropped: Number of credits that have not yet been dropped. They are either scheduled future payments or payments that are past due.
Total Purchased: Total number of purchased credits.
Incomplete Sessions Tab
Report Definitions
Location Name: Club Location name.
User ID: User ID of the member.
Name: Member Name.
Cell: Member's cell phone number.
Home: Member's home phone number.
Work: Member's work phone number.
Email: Member's email address.
Join Date: Member's join date.
Expire Date: Member's expiration date.
First Issued: Date that credits were first issued.
Last Issued: Date that credits were last issued.
Last Burnt: Date of the member's last burnt (used) session credit.
Next Drop: Date of the next scheduled payment where credits will be released.
Available: Total number of available session credits.
Used / Lost: Number of used and lost credits.
Expired: Number of expired credits.
Scheduled: Number of credits that have a scheduled booking tied to them.
Future Scheduled: Total number of future scheduled bookings.
Total Available: Total number of session credits that have dropped and are available to be booked.
Not Dropped: Number of credits that have not yet been dropped. They are either scheduled future payments or payments that are past due.
Total Purchased: Total number of purchased credits.
Session: Name of the last completed session.
Trainer: Trainer name who performed the last completed session.
Past Clients Tab
This report will list members who had credits in the past, but no longer have any active credits. Enter in a number of days since the member had their last burnt (used) credit. You can also choose to include 'Only Members' and exclude prospects.
Report Definitions
Location of Used Sessions: Club Location name where the member used the session credits.
User ID: User ID of the member.
Name: Member Name.
User - Current Location: Current club location of the member.
Cell: Member's cell phone number.
Home: Member's home phone number.
Work: Member's work phone number.
Email: Member's email address.
Join Date: Member's join date.
Expire Date: Member's expiration date.
First Issued: Date that credits were first issued.
Last Issued: Date that credits were last issued.
Last Scheduled: Date of the member's last scheduled session.
Date: Date of the last credit used.
Session: Name of the last completed session.
Package: Name of the package (if applicable) where the sessions came from.
Trainer: Trainer name who performed the last completed session.
Active Sessions Tab
Active Sessions will give you a view a list members who have agreements with unused session credits.
Report Definitions
User ID: User ID of the member.
Member Name: Member Name.
Email: Member's email address.
Home Phone: Member's home phone number
# Agreements: Number of agreements the member has currently and has had in the past
Start Date: Date of the member's first agreement start date.
End Date: Date of the member's agreement ended.
First Used: Date that credits were first used.
Last Used: Date of credits last used.
Purchased: Total number of session credits purchased in a user's lifetime. Includes sessions credits not yet paid for.
Not Dropped: Number of credits that have not yet been dropped. They are either scheduled future payments or payments that are past due.
Available: Total number of session credits purchased in a user's lifetime. Does not include session credits yet to be paid for (Sessions aren't added to the user's account until the payment goes through. In the Purchased column these are included in the total)
Unused: Total number of available session credits that have not been assigned to a booking. Does not include session credits yet to be paid for (Sessions aren't added to the user's account until the payment goes through. In the Purchased column these are included in the total)
Used: Number of used credits.
Expired: Total number of sessions credits that are past their expiration date and were never assigned to a booking.
Pending: Number of scheduled, but unlogged bookings.
Last Session: Name of the last completed session.
Trainer: Trainer name who performed the last completed session.
NOTE: For the columns that applies, the data will go off of upcoming invoices and the report will update with each evergreen payment.
Requirements - A 'Master Admin' login or a staff login with the following permissions.
- Reporting: Can access reports
- Reporting: Can access credits/bookings: business plan