This article is an overview of the Draft Reports and its various tabs.
Please Note:
- The retrieval of reports is limited to a 10-year timeframe from the current date, and the download process may vary in duration depending on the selected time frame.
- Reports are not customizable.
- This report reflects outcomes in real-time.
- The Draft Reports are located under the Sales section of the Reports page.
- To export the data, select the floppy disk and choose your method of export: CSV (comma delimited), PDF, or Excel.
- This report details total draft due, attempted and collected over a period of time.
Draft History Tab
Draft Trend Tab
Compare Months Tab
Draft History Tab
When downloading the report to Excel you may need to choose to 'Enable Editing.' This option would be at the top of the screen and is required to be selected in order to populate data in the spreadsheet.
There are four tabs for this report: 'Summary,' 'Draft Detail,' 'Decline Details,' and 'Retry Details.'
Report Definitions
Email Report?: Opportunity to have a copy of the Draft History report emailed once you select 'Run Report.'
On the first tab of this report there is a summary that details Total Draft Due, Attempted and Collected over the period of time. At the top of the report, there is a brief summary of the
Total Due Over Period: All invoices that were due during the period.
Total Due but Already Paid at POS: Amount of invoices that have already been paid in advance at POS.
Excluded From the Draft: If the customer has no payment details or disabled draft status the system must exclude them from the automatic draft.
Total Due Available To Draft: Will be the calculation of total due minus already paid and excluded from draft.
There is a summary at a glance in two large boxes. This shows your Total Attempted, which is your total amount due plus any re-try's, and the amount of Successful Transactions.
On the last portion of the summary, there are several tables which break down the draft amounts into categories:
Total Due And Drafted: Invoices that were due in the date range which the system attempted to automatically draft
Total Retries (Past Due Attempts): Invoices that were reattempted automatically by the draft (the system reattempts an invoice the 1st and 2nd day it was due if it declines).
NOTE: If an invoice was retried twice within this date range the value is counted twice. For example a $50 invoice was retried twice within my selected date range will count as a value of $100.
Total Attempted (Due + Retries): Total of due and retries.
Within each of these categories there is further detail:
- Amount by form of payment used - Credit Card or Bank ACH
- Amounts by type of invoice - Membership, Add-On, Service, Other.
- Other: This row includes any draft payments that don't have a sales package associated with them. This is mostly compromised of Fees such as Late, Freeze, or Setup Fees, but will also include other misc. invoices.
Draft Detail Tab: Detailed breakdown in two difference sections: 'Draft Attempted' and the 'Draft Outcome.'
For each of these sections you will see:
Total Attempted: Count and value of attempt/outcome broken out by Cards and Bank ACH
Due Today: Count and value of attempted/outcome for what was due on the date of the draft broken out by Cards and Bank ACH. Also the value separated into Membership, Add-Ons, Services, Other.
Retry: Count and value of past due reattempts attempted/outcome broken out by Cards and Bank ACH. Also the value separated into Membership, Add-Ons, Services, Other.
NOTE: If an invoice was retried twice within this date range the value is counted twice. For example a $50 invoice was retried twice within my selected date range will count as a value of $100.
The final columns provide a Transaction Success Summary of the percentage of Success, Due On Day, and Retries.
Decline Details Tab: Detailed breakdown of all Decline Reasons. This is for Credit Card and ACH and will provide the Count of each invoice and total $ Amount
Retry Details Tab: Detailed breakdown of everything that was collected on the retry attempts. This is broken down by Original Draft Date, Total CC, Total ACH, and Total Retry.
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. Can I see draft trends over previous months?
Yes, use the Draft Trend tab to view trends over the past 1, 3, 6, or 12 month periods. You can also view trends of both membership and non membership drafts.
Draft Trend Tab
- Choose if you want to filter to view All Draft, Memberships Draft or Non-Membership Draft. Select to view Chart Months by 3, 6, 12 or 1. Click Run Report.
- For membership clubs the draft is broken down into membership sales and draft for non-membership sales like personal training. For PT studio's there is no breakdown between membership and non-membership.
Report Definitions
The trend chart shows the draft trend. Every day the draft for the next 30 days is logged and this makes up the data for the chart.
Change vs. 1 Week Ago: Displays the difference between the current planned draft for the next thirty days and the same figure from one week prior to the current day.
Change vs. 1 Month Ago: Represents the difference between the current 30 day draft and the same figure from one month ago.
Draft Trend (Graph): report has a graph which you can Options to change whether it displays all membership or non-membership, and option to change the period from one month and up to twelve month views.
Compare Months Tab
- This report products a customer by customer list of positive and negative impacts on the draft.
- To generate your report, select two months to compare. Choose if you want to filter to view All Draft, Only Memberships (&membership add-ons) or Only Services. Click Run Report.
- Once generated, it will display Month 2 Increases, Month 2 Decreases and Draft Net (Month 2 vs Month 1).
Report Definitions
Client Name: The customer's name.
User ID: The customer's ClubReady ID number.
Impact: The impact value for the club. A positive means the draft is higher in Month 2 vs Month 1 for that amount. Negative means lower in Month 2.
Detail: Invoice detail.
Agreement ID: ClubReady agreement ID.
Next Invoice Due: Date the next invoice will be due for the customer.
Associated Agreement: Notes posted associated to the agreement.
Requirements - A 'Master Admin' login or a staff login with the following permissions.
- Reporting - Can access reports (must be enabled to see any reports)
- Reporting - Can access sales: monthly draft trend