This article will explain how to run and understand the Lost Members Report. This report shows users whose membership periods ended during the selected time frame and are not inactive.
Please Note:
- The retrieval of reports is limited to a 10-year timeframe from the current date, and the download process may vary in duration depending on the selected time frame.
- Reports are not customizable.
- This report reflects outcomes in real-time.
HELPFUL TIP: This report is only for Responsible Members only, associated members will not be included. It is driven by the membership ended date on the inactive member's user profile.
1. Accessing Your Report
Navigate to Reports > Members > Lost Members.
At the top of the page you will have the option to choose a specific date range by clicking on the calendars or use the Preset Date Ranges available to the right of the calendars. The filters will allow you to filter your results to exclude those with no agreements. You will then have the option to choose to filter by Membership type. Click Run Report.
2. Understanding Your Report
This report will show all of the lost members in the given time frame. The report will include:
Cell Phone - Customer's cell phone number
Phone - Customer's home phone number
Email - Customer's email address
Member Since - The original date they became a member. Driven by the member since date on the user profile.
Membership Ended - Date and time when the customer's membership ended
Membership Duration - Length of time, in days, of the customer's membership from start to finish
Member Type - Membership Type assigned to the user (not the package).
Requirements - A 'Master Admin' login or a staff login with the following permissions.
- Reporting: Can access reports (must be enabled to see any reports)
- Reporting: Can access clients: lost members