This report is not stored within your ClubReady dashboard, but instead sent to your email daily. This article will guide you through the breakdown of the Daily Production report.
Please Note:
- This report includes PT statistics only.
- Reports are not customizable.
Quick Stats
Club Detail
Staff Detail
Quick Stats
The column on the left of the emailed report will include:
New Agreements: Count of non-membership contract agreements purchased.
Gross: Sum of non-membership paid-up-front amount based on non-membership contract agreements purchased that day/month.
Invoice: Sum of total price of non-membership contract agreement purchased that day/month.
New EFT Next Month: New dollar amount that will be drafted next month based on new non-membership contract agreements made that day/month.
Products: Sum of the total price of items purchased at the POS.
Bookings Completed: Count of completed bookings (non consult) that occurred that day/month.
Booking Hours: How many hours of bookings (non consult) that were completed that day.
Bookings Payroll Value: Sum of booking costs from that day/month.
Bookings Earned Revenue: The purchase amount that was earned from bookings that day/month.
The column on the right of the emailed report provide that ranked period of the invoice sales. It will additionally include:
Number in Parentheses: Count of non-membership contract agreements made that day.
Avg Selling Price: Average cost per session type listed.
Period Invoice: Sum of non-membership contract agreements purchased in the date range.
Monthly EFT vs. 30 Days Ago: Compares what the non-membership draft amounts are for the month following the day of the report vs. what they were on the same day last month up until the date oft he report.
Club Detail
When you select the Club Detail tab towards the bottom of the excel document, it will include the following information:
New Prospects: The sum of new prospects that have been added within the reporting date.
Calls Made: Total number of phone calls that were made within the reporting date.
Emails Sent: Number of emails that were sent within the reporting date.
Appt Set: Number of service consults that were scheduled (set up) the day before (these could be scheduled for any date).
Appt Sched: Number of service consults scheduled for (to occur on) the report date.
Appt Show: The total number of customers that have showed for an appointment within the reporting date.
Show %: Percentage of the total number of customers that have showed for an appointment within the reporting date.
Closed: The total number of signed agreements.
Close %: Percentage of scheduled (showed) consults performed by this staff member that resulted in a signed agreement.
Service Sessions: The amount of sessions scheduled within the reporting date.
Service Avg $/Session: The average amount per each service session.
Class Sessions: The amount of classes scheduled within the reporting date.
Class Avg $/Session: The average amount per each class session.
Consult Sessions: The number of consults scheduled within the reporting date.
Consult Avg $/Session: The average amount per each consult session.
Total Sessions: The total of services, classes, and consults that have been scheduled within the reporting date.
Total Avg $/Session: The average amount per services, classes, and consults.
GROSS: This is the actual gross revenue (money actually received) from the new deals and anything afterwards to date. It is an indicator of the value to date of the new person this staff member converted.
EFT: EFT that has been added to the dues line to be drafted.
INVOICE: Total invoice value of deals written over the selected date range. Total invoice is the entire contract value of a deal (down + all future draft).
New Prospects: This is the count of prospects added over the selected date range.
Calls Made: Total of calls logged using the Work It feature for the month-to-date.
Emails Sent: Total of emails logged using the Work It feature for the month-to-date.
Appt Set: Total number of consultations booked.
Appt Sched: Total number of consultations booked.
Appt Show: Total number of consultations that were logged as a show.
Show %: The percentage of consultations that were logged as a show.
Closed: Leads added that resulted in a signed agreement or becoming a member.
Close %: Percentage of leads added that resulted in in a signed agreement or becoming a member.
Service Sessions: The amount of sessions scheduled month-to-date.
Service Avg $/Session: The average amount per each service session month-to-date.
Class Sessions:The amount of classes scheduled month-to-date.
Class Avg $/Session: The average amount per each class session month-to-date.
Consult Sessions: The number of consults scheduled month-to-date.
Consult Avg $/Session: The average amount per each consult session month-to-date.
Total Sessions: The total of services, classes, and consults that have been scheduled month-to-date.
Total Avg $/Session: The average amount per services, classes, and consults.
Invoice Goal Per Day: The Invoiced Sales target divided by the number of period days for the club. The target is defined at club level > Setup > General > Club Targets.
% of Invoice Goal: The sum of total prices on non-cancelled contracts made on the report date divided by the Invoice Goal Per Day.
Gross Goal Per Day: Invoice Goal Per Day * Gross Goal %. Gross Goal % is set at club level > Setup > General > Club Targets > Upfront Gross Sales As % Of Invoice.
% of Gross Goal: Gross Amount (sum of non-membership up front payments from the report date ) / Gross Goal Per Day.
EFT Goal Per Day: Invoice Goal Per Day * EFT Goal %. EFT Goal % is set at club level > Setup > General > Club Targets > New EFT/Month as % Of Invoice.
% of EFT Goal: EFT Amount (Amount of New EFT set up on non-cancelled, non-membership contracts sold on the report date) / EFT Goal Per Day.
Period Invoice Goal: The Invoiced Sales target defined at club level > Setup > General > Club Targets.
Period Invoice: The sum of the total prices on non-cancelled contracts that were made during the reporting period.
% of Invoice Goal: Period Invoice / Period Invoice Goal.
Period Gross Goal: Period Invoice Goal * Gross Goal %. Gross Goal % is set at club level > Setup > General > Club Targets > Upfront Gross Sales As % Of Invoice.
Period Gross: The sum of non-membership up front payments during the reporting period.
% of Gross Goal: Period Gross / Period Gross Goal.
Period EFT Goal: Period Invoice Goal * EFT Goal %. EFT Goal % is set at club level > Setup > General > Club Targets > New EFT/Month as % Of Invoice.
Period EFT: Amount of New EFT set up on non-cancelled, non-membership contracts sold during the reporting period.
% of EFT Goal: Period EFT / Period EFT Goal.
Staff Detail
When you select the Staff Detail tab towards the bottom of the excel document, it will include the following information:
ID: ClubReady staff member id number.
Employee Name: The staff members name.
Employee Type: The staff members staff type.
Deals (Date Specific): Number of agreements sold by the staff member within the reporting date.
Total Invoices (Date Specific): Sum of invoices for the reporting date.
Deals (This Period): Number of agreements the staff member sold within the reporting period.
Total Invoices (This Period): Sum of invoices within the reporting period.
Requirements - A 'Master Admin' login or a staff login with the following permissions.
- Corporate - General: Can access corporate setup