This article will guide you through troubleshooting why your custom email template is not showing as an option when sending an email blast.
1. Check Email Template Setup
The email template needs to be enabled to be used for email blasts. Navigate to Setup > Communication > Email Templates. Select your desired template by clicking on the edit pencil. Under the General Tab select the check box for can be selected by staff (that have adequate permissions) for email blasts. Click Update to save your changes.
2. Unsubscribe Tag
The email template must contain the [unsubscribe] tag in order to select it as an option for email blast. To add an email tag, go to Setup > Communication > Email Templates. Select your desired template by clicking on the edit pencil. To insert the tag select from the options showing on the top left drop down. Click on the SAVE button to update your changes.
Requirements - A 'Master Admin' login or a staff login with the following permissions.
- Club Setup: Can access setup
- Club Setup: Can access email templates setup