This articles will guide you through the recommended practices when applying images to email templates.
1. Files
In order to apply an image to an email template, the file must be uploaded to the club's files under Main > Files > Upload a New File.
NOTE: When adding the image to your club's files, make sure that the file is in the .jpg form and under 270 KB in size. If the file is over 270 KB, you will need to use an outside website to adjust the size of the file.
2. Email Template
Once the file has been uploaded to the system fitting the requirements, the file will populate within the Insert an image drop down under the template editor. To locate this drop down, navigate to Setup > Communication > Email Templates > Edit pencil next to the template you are adjusting > Editor tab.
To add the image to the template, place and click the mouse cursor where you are wanting the image to populate, then select the image from the Insert an image drop down menu.
Once the image has been applied to the template, hover over the image to populate the "diagonal arrow" cursor. Once the cursor populates, "click and drag" the image to adjust the size of the image within the template.