This article will guide you through organizing your staff display on the Grid View.
1. Accessing the 'Organize' Option
Navigate to Bookings > Grid View. Select the Organize option on the left side of your staff list.
2. Choose Your Layout Options
Organize the staff by having the staff's photos show in the bookings grid view by selecting Yes/No.
Each staff member available for scheduling will appear in the list. Choose if you would like for them to show on the grid view by selecting either Yes/No.
Clicking on a staff name will enable you to drag/drop to change the display on the grid, with staff on top starting on the left side of the grid, and staff towards the bottom moving to the right side of the grid.
Make sure to select Update after reorganizing.
Requirements - A 'Master Admin' login or a staff login with the following permissions.
- Scheduling: Can access scheduling
- Scheduling: Can reorganize staff in scheduling grid