This article and video will guide you through making a a service booking, such as personal training, on the Grid View.
1. Find The Date / Time / Instructor
1-on-1 services are scheduled via the Grid View.
To access the grid view, go to Bookings > Grid View.
Select the date and click on the beginning time block under the trainer performing the service. The shaded areas denote trainer unavailability.
NOTE: Only staff with adequate permissions can book a service during these times.
2. Add New Booking
Click the Add New Booking button.
3. Choose The Service
Select the desired service from the drop down menu.
4. Select Client Name and Make The Booking
The booking details and communications options will appear. Use the search box to search for your client. You may Enter Name, With Recent, Add New Person (such as a Lead) from your site.
Send (customer) An Email To - Select whether to send the client an e-mail notification of the booking. This requires the client to have an e-mail in their profile, however you may also enter one into the text box.
Send A Test Message - Select whether to send the client a text message. This requires the client have a cell phone number entered in their profile. It also requires the club have enough communication credits to send the text.
Optional Internal Note - You may enter an internal note.
Make The Booking to complete.
The booking will now appear on the Grid View with customer's name and service type.
NOTE: Full name will display up until 16 characters
Requirements - A 'Master Admin' login or a staff login with the following permissions.
- Scheduling Permissions - Can access scheduling
- Scheduling Permissions - Can make service (non-class) bookings
- Scheduling Permissions - Can make bookings without session credits (please note: booking without a credit should be the exception to the rule)