This article will guide you through enabling and using the Communication Preferences Email setting to have customers/members confirm their communication preferences.
NOTE: If enabled, this setting will automatically send any new prospect an email requesting them to update their communication preferences. This is important to make sure your club is in compliance with communication regulations and provide confirmation the client has verified their communication preferences.
1. Access Communication Preference Email Setting
Navigate to Setup > Communications > System Emails.
You will need to locate the option for Communication Preferences Email and click the edit pencil icon to edit this setting. Click the ON button to activate this setting.
2. Enable / Update Email Settings
After clicking the edit pencil icon the options for the Communication Preferences Email will expand. Scroll down to type in the desired email address and then click the Update button to save your changes. Click Send A Test Email button which will send an email to email you entered.
Email Example
Here is an example of the email that would be sent as a test or to a new customer/member entered as a prospect. The client will need to click on the link Update your Preferences to update their information.
Here is the screen that the clients will be directed to so they can confirm what communications they would like to receive. They will check the boxes for each notification they will receive and then click the Submit button to submit their changes.
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. If the client wants to update their communication preference and did not get the email, can I resend this email?
Yes, Under client profile > All Detail > General > Email Their Communication Preferences Update.
2. If a client asks the Gym/Studio to update the email preference for them, are we able to manually?
Yes, Under client profile > All Detail > General > Edit Their Profile > Scroll to the bottom > General Offers Email and Weekly Update Emails > Check / Un Check boxes.
Requirements - A 'Master Admin' login or a staff login with the following permissions.
- Club Setup - Can access setup
- Club Setup - Can access system emails setup
- Member Management: General - Can access member options
- Prospect Management - Can access prospects