This article will guide you through on how to create a Purchase Order to be sent to your vendor. Once an order is created, you will be able to print an order receipt form and labels for the order.
Before you continue reading...
- The Purchase Order page is located under the Products section of the Setup page.
- Please note that this report is a functionality that may not be enabled by default in your club. Please contact ClubReady Support for more information or to turn this version of the report on for your club.
Add A New Purchase Order
Purchase Orders List
Edit Order Detail
Add New Product Item To This Purchase Order
Add A New Purchase Order
Select The Vendor For This Order: The dropdown menu will list available vendors setup within your ClubReady dashboard.
Purchase Order #: Opportunity to add purchase order number for record keeping; ClubReady will auto-populate if left empty.
Order Date (set as today): Opportunity to set the date the product ordered, and orders will be labeled as 'Pending' without an 'Order Date.' Click on 'set as today' to set the date to current day.
Expected Due Date: Opportunity to set the expected date for product delivery.
Purchase Orders List 
Pending Orders: Orders without an 'Order Date' set.
Orders Not Yet Received: Orders that have not met the 'Order Date.'
Partially Received Orders: Orders with recorded quantity does not match quantity ordered.
Fully Received Orders: Orders that have (1) have been checked with the green plus sign and (2) have met their scheduled date.
Filter By Vender: Opportunity to filter the 'Purchase Orders List' by vendor type.
The purchase order list will display the 'Purchase Order #,' 'Vendor,' 'Due Date,' 'Items,' and 'Value.' Click the green plus sign next to a purchase order to mark it as received in full. Click on the edit pencil next to any Purchase Order #'s for editing options. This will display the 'Edit Order Detail' section. Click on the red x to delete a purchase order.Pending Orders:
Edit Order Detail
Once you have entered in your new purchase order you will be brought to the Edit Order Detail section. You can edit the Purchase Order #, Order Date, Start Ship Date, Cancel Date and In Store Date. From this screen you are able to add the following information as well:
Ship To Address: Choose from the dropdown to select shipping location. There is an opportunity to add a new ship to address(on the fly) when you select 'Add New Address.'
Bill To Address: Choose from the dropdown to select billing address. There is an opportunity to add a new address(on the fly) when you select 'Add New Address.'
Buyer: Choose from the dropdown to 'Select Buyer.' There is an opportunity to add a new buyer (on the fly) when you select 'Add New Buyer.'
Order Notes: Opportunity to document order notes.
Add New Product Item To This Purchase Order
Start typing in the name or the product ID to Add New Product Item To This Order. Type in the Quantity and Price (per individual item) and click on Add to add a new product to the purchase order. You can also choose to Add Multiple Products to your order. Once your products have been added, a summary will appear below and will list the Product, Variation, Quantity, Unit, Received, Returned, Price, and Extended Price. You are also able to choose if you need to Print Purchase Order, Print Labels, Print Order Receiver, Quick Receive This Order In Full and Complete Order As Is.
Items can be updated with the Variation, Unit, number Received and number Returned. Click on Update to save any changes, or click on the red x to remove a product from the order.
Requirements - A 'Master Admin' login or a staff login with the following permissions.
- Reporting - Can access reports (must be enabled to see any reports)
- Reporting - Can access products: manage vendor orders