Lost Sheep are members who have not checked into the club in a given time period, have fallen behind in services, or have not taken any classes. Use this report to quickly identify which of your members could benefit from a check-in conversation!
Please Note:
- The retrieval of reports is limited to a 10-year timeframe from the current date, and the download process may vary in duration depending on the selected time frame.
- Reports are not customizable.
- This report reflects outcomes in real-time.
- If you're exclusively managing a personal training studio, your view is streamlined to display only the Services tab.
- If a client is purchasing personal training (PT) bookings but does not have an agreement, they will not show in the Club Visits tab, so you will want to use the Services tab in those cases.
Accessing Your Report
Club Visits Tab
Services Tab
Bookings Tab
Accessing Your Report
Navigate Navigate to Reports > Members > Lost Sheep. Select a club division (if applicable) and select a time period. Click on Run Report. The results will display below or to export the data, select the floppy disk and choose your method of export: CSV (comma delimited), PDF, or Excel.
Club Visits Tab
Lost Sheep by club visit will show you members who have not checked into the club over a given time period. Within this tab, you will be given the option to run this for Active Members or Active Service Agreements. When the Active Service Agreements option is selected, this will show all active personal training (PT) agreements based on the expiration date of the package and if those users haven't checked in in the past X number of weeks selected.
The report will contain the following information:
Store ID: The unique identifying number for ClubReady; also known as Club ID or Location ID
User ID: The unique identifying number for the customer; also known as customer ID or client ID.
Member Name: Customer's first and last name.
Membership Type: The membership type that the customer has, based on their membership agreement.
Member Since: Reflects the date from the customer's 'Members Since' date within their profile.
Membership Expiration: Reflects the date from the customer's 'Members Expiration' date within their profile.
Customer Status: Signifies if the customer's member status is active or inactive, based off the Members Since and Members Expiration dates.
Frozen: Signifies if the member's agreement is currently frozen.
Freeze Ends: If the member's agreement is currently frozen, the Freeze Ends will have the date that the freeze will end.
Last Check In: The customer's last completed (signed in) date.
Last Contacted Date: The last (documented) date that a staff member reached out to the customer.
Contact Type: The last (documented) contact type sourced by the customer's internal Member Notes; email, call, or text.
Phone: The customer's phone number.
Cell Phone: The customer's cell (mobile) phone number.
Email: The customer's email address.
Address: The residential location of the customer.
City: The customer's residential city.
State: The customer's residential state.
ZIP: Short for zip code, the customer's residential zip code.
Services Tab
Reminder, if you are a personal training studio, you will only see the Service tab. Lost Sheep by services will show you members buying services that have either not booked a session over a given time period, or who have had sessions but are not keeping up with their initial commitment number of sessions per week. Within this tab, you will be given the option to (filter by) list people that have not had a booking but have session credits available or active draft, or list people who are not reaching their expected number (based on agreement sold) of sessions per week.
The report will contain the following information:
Store ID: The unique identifying number for ClubReady; also known as Club ID or Location ID
User ID: The unique identifying number for the customer; also known as customer ID or client ID.
Member Name: Customer's first and last name.
Membership Type: The membership type that the customer has, based on their membership agreement.
Member Since: Reflects the date from the customer's 'Members Since' date within their profile.
Membership Expiration: Reflects the date from the customer's 'Members Expiration' date within their profile.
Customer Status: Signifies if the customer's member status is active or inactive, based off the Members Since and Members Expiration dates.
Frozen: Signifies if the member's agreement is currently frozen.
Freeze Ends: If the member's agreement is currently frozen, the Freeze Ends will have the date that the freeze will end.
Last Booking: Date of the customer's last booked visit.
Last Booking With: Name of the instructor who gave the last booked visit.
No Show Count: Total number of services marked as "No Show".
Sessions Remaining: Signifies if the customer has remaining sessions credits.
Active EFT?: Signifies if the member's agreement is currently active.
Last Contact Date: The date that a staff member last (documented) a contact.
Contacted By: The staff member who last made a (documented) contact
Contact Type: The last (documented) contact type sourced by the customer's internal Member Notes; email, call, or text.
Phone: The customer's phone number.
Cell Phone: The customer's cell (mobile) phone number.
Email: The customer's email address.
Address: The residential location of the customer.
City: The customer's residential city.
State: The customer's residential state.
ZIP: Short for zip code, the customer's residential zip code.
Bookings Tab
The Bookings tab will return a list of members with no bookings during the selected date range. If a member had a class or service booking during the report date range that is in completed or open status, then they will not be included in the list. If the parameter option for "Never Had Booking" is selected, the report will look beyond the date range and show all clients who have never had a booking at any time. Within this tab, you will be given the option to Include Inactive Members (status), Include Prospects (status), and/or Never Had (a) Booking.
The report will contain the following information:
Store ID: The unique identifying number for ClubReady; also known as Club ID or Location ID
User ID: The unique identifying number for the customer; also known as customer ID or client ID.
Member Name: Customer's first and last name.
Membership Type: The membership type that the customer has, based on their membership agreement.
Member Since: Reflects the date from the customer's 'Members Since' date within their profile.
Membership Expiration: Reflects the date from the customer's 'Members Expiration' date within their profile.
Customer Status: Signifies if the customer's member status is active or inactive, based off the Members Since and Members Expiration dates.
Frozen: Signifies if the member's agreement is currently frozen.
Freeze Ends: If the member's agreement is currently frozen, the Freeze Ends will have the date that the freeze will end.
Checkins Last 30 Days: Total number of completed (signed in) visits in the last 30 days.
Last Check-In: The last check-in date.
Bookings Last 30 Days: Total number of completed (signed in) visits in the last 30 days.
Last Completed Booking: The last completed booking date.
Next Booking: The date of the next booked visit scheduled.
Bookings Next 30 Days: Total number of booked visits in the next 30 days.
Last <Current Year> Paid Evergreen: Signifies if the customer has paid an evergreen payment within the current year.
Past Due: (Yes or No) Signifies if the the customer's membership payment is past due.
Last Contact Date: The date that a staff member last (documented) a contact.
Contacted By: The staff member who last made a (documented) contact
Contact Type: The last (documented) contact type sourced by the customer's internal Member Notes; email, call, or text.
Phone: The customer's phone number.
Cell Phone: The customer's cell (mobile) phone number.
Email: The customer's email address.
Address: The residential location of the customer.
City: The customer's residential city.
State: The customer's residential state.
ZIP: Short for zip code, the customer's residential zip code.
Requirements - A 'Master Admin' login or a staff login with the following permissions.
- Reporting - Can access reports
- Reporting - Can access clients: lost sheep