This article is an overview of the Campaign ROI Report. This report will assist with determining the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns.
Please Note:
- The retrieval of reports is limited to a 10-year timeframe from the current date, and the download process may vary in duration depending on the selected time frame.
- Reports are not customizable.
- This report reflects outcomes in real-time.
HELPFUL TIP: This report offers an analysis of marketing campaigns that are created for Referral Types at Corporate or Club level under Setup > Leads > Referral Types
1. Accessing Your Report
Navigate to Reports > Intelligence > Campaign ROI.
Once the report populates, you will be given information specific to each Campaign, allowing you to determine the effectiveness of the investment made.
2, Understanding Your Report
Campaign - The name of the Referral Type
Campaign Start Date - The date entered in manually for the campaign (Setup > Leads > Referral Types)
Campaign Cost - The cost entered in manually for the campaign (Setup > Leads > Referral Types)
New Prospects - Count of users added who are assigned each referral type. The users could be added at any time and are not limited to a certain date range.
Converted - Count of users who are assigned each referral type and became members or PT customers. This count includes both active and inactive members/customers.
Converted % - Converted / New Prospects
Total Revenue - The sum of all non-cancelled invoice amounts for users assigned to each referral type. This includes unpaid invoices.
Cost Per Prospect - Campaign Cost / New Prospects
Cost Per New Customer - Campaign Cost / Converted
Revenue Per Customer - Total Revenue / Converted
ROI - (Total Revenue - Campaign Cost) / Campaign Cost).
Requirements - A 'Master Admin' login or a staff login with the following permissions.
- Reporting - Can access reports
- Reporting - Can access metrics: campaign roi