This article will guide you on how to utilize the POS Shortcut cloning tool to copy shortcuts from one POS terminal to another.
1. Access POS Terminal Setup
Navigate to Setup > Sales > POS Terminals.
Click on the edit pencil icon to access the setup for the POS Terminal.
2. Cloning POS Shortcuts
Clicking on the edit pencil will take you to the General Settings by default. To access the POS shortcuts click on the POS Shortcuts tab. Above the POS Shortcut Pad, select from the drop down the option to Copy Shortcut Settings from Another POS Terminal. A second drop down will show for you to Choose a Pos Terminal. You can select to copy a POS Shortcut Pad from a POS terminal in your location or from another location within your chain. To finalize the cloning process, click Copy Settings.
Requirements - A 'Master Admin' login or a staff login with the following permissions.
- Club Setup - Can access setup
- Club Setup - Can access POS terminals setup