1. Verify that the correct version of the Genesis 7580G-2 barcode scanner is obtained - there are several variations of the Genesis 7580 barcode scanner and only one model will work with both The ClubReady Desktop & Mobile Member Apps - MK7580-30B38-02-A - this number will be located on the box in which the scanner is shipped. The scanner itself will display P?N: 7580G-2 the unit will not work with the ClubReady Desktop App.
2. After verifying the correct scanner is on hand please make sure the scanner is UNPLUGGED from the computer - the scanner must be unplugged while it's drivers are installed in the next step:
3. Download the ClubReady Desktop App. To do this please navigate to Setup > General > ClubReady Desktop. Then scroll down to see a yellow shaded area with both the link to the app and an Application Key. This key is unique to your club and is what directs the app to send check-ins to this particular club. Please copy this link to the clipboard. You can also save this link to a simple text file on your computer for future reference for staff who may no have access to the Setup tab. Next it is advised to right click on the link to Download the ClubReady Desktop Application and choose Save link as. From there you can save the setup.exe file to the local computer.
4. Locate the downloaded file setup.exxe on the computer and right click on the file. Then choose to Run as administrator to install the ClubReady Desktop App, Prerequisites Wizard and the included barcode scanner serial emulation drivers.
5. Cycle through the Prerequisites Wizard clicking Next on each screen.
6. Cycle through the Prerequisites Wizard clicking Next on each screen.
7. Cycle through the Prerequisites Wizard clicking Next on each screen.
8. After the Prerequisites Wizard has finished click the green INSTALL icon to proceed.
9. You may see a message saying SigPlus.ocx failed to register, this is common on machines without Topaz SigPlus electronic signature pad software. Please choose Ignore and the install will continue.
10. The next step is to install the serial emulation drivers for the Honeywell Genesis 7580G-2 barcode scanner. This is a good time to double check that the barcode scanner is UNPLUGGED from the computer and click Next.
11. During this phase it is important to check the radio button next to Everyone when it asks "Install Honeywell HSM Serial Driver version 3.1.4 for yourself, or for anyone who uses this computer" click Next
12. A command window will appear while the serial emulation drivers are installed.
13. The message ClubReady Desktop has been successfully installed will display and click Finish.
14. At this point the ClubReady Desktop App & serial emulation drivers for the Genesis scanner have been installed. The next step is to program the barcode scanner using the Quick Start Guide.
15. Open Devices and Printers in Control Panel and press Windows Key+R to open the Run dialog, enter control printers in the empty box and click OK.
16. Plug in the barcode scanner directly into the computer. USB hubs should NOT be used. In Devices and Printers, the scanner will appear under Devices as a keyboard labeled 7580.
17. After the scanner is plugged in, locate and scan the barcode USB Serial found in the Quick Start Guide. This will program the scanner to emulate a serial connection and assign the scanner a COM port.
18. After scanning the barcode "USB Serial" a clock icon will appear next to the scanner now located under Unspecified indicating the device is being installed and please wait.
19. After the device is installed the scanner will appear assigned a COM port. In this example (COM3) and the scanner is ready to be used in the ClubReady Desktop Application.
20. Next the app must be started. Left click on the start button and choose ClubReady Desktop from either recently added or the ClubReady folder. Note that this is the only time the app will need to be manually started as it inserts itself into the startup folder and will turn on automatically every time the computer is started or a PC user is signed in. The app does not support PC user account switching. Each PC user account must sign out before the next PC user account signs in.
21. In the lower right corner, a message will appear, "ClubReady Desktop has started."
22. For ease of access the desktop app icon must be added to the taskbar. Right click on the taskbar at the bottom of the desktop and choose Taskbar Settings.
23. In Taskbar Settings, scroll down to Notification area and click on Select which icons appear on the taskbar.
24. On the 'Select which icons appear on the taskbar' screen, scroll down and find ClubReady.WPF.Desktop and slide the button to On. The icon for the app will now appear on the taskbar in the lower right corner near the clock.
25. Next, we will open and sign into the app to add the Activation Key and make sure the barcode scanner is selected.
26. Opening the app is a two-step process. First left click on the icon and then click Open.
27. Next click on the icon that will appear to the left on the taskbar. This will open the ClubReady Desktop Control Panel.
28. On the ClubReady Desktop Control Panel Desktop Login screen enter in a local staff account username and password and click Login. Note that this does not have to be an account with ClubReady admin rights. There is no sensitive information in this app.
29. After login the application defaults to the Printing tab. Click on the Check-In tab. The status section diagnoses the application. Green checkmarks are successful connections. red exclamation is an unsuccessful connection. Based on this image the application successfully connects to the internet and communicates with ClubReady Services but cannot see the scanner. This is expected since the scanner is not yet selected. Note that the printing tab in this app is non-functional. Click the Settings link to proceed.
30. Paste the Activation Key into the top field on this screen.
31. Select the correct device from the Com-Port drop-down menu.
32. The ClubReady Desktop App will play Sounds via the computer's speakers when activity occurs. The default sounds are simple beeps and buzzers. The volume is controlled by the computer's main volume control. Sounds can be muted by clicking the Mute button. Custom sounds can be loaded via the Browse buttons. Custom sound files must be in a .wav format located on the local computer.
33. After the above steps are complete click Save and Close.
34. Back on the Check-In tab the scanner status will have a green check and the club name and unique ClubReady number will appear above the Settings link.
35. You may now scan a client's barcode and verify that the check-in appears.
36. When an employee clocks in or out they must interact with the app by clicking either In or Out. If you scan a staff barcode and the above screen will appear displaying the staff member's name and ID. Click In to clock in for payroll reporting. Note that the club members do not have to do anything other than scanning to be checked in.
37. The last step is to ensure that the computer is set to Never go into sleep or hibernation mode. The ClubReady Desktop App does not support Windows sleep or hibernate mode. This link will help explain how this is done.