This article will guide you on how to manage the Advanced Business Automation: Lead Management dashboard.
Navigate to Main > Dashboard > Lead Management.
1. Tasks
The Tasks tab will display all of the tasks created for membership prospects only. The number displayed to the left show tasks assigned to the staff member currently logged in. The number displayed to the right show tasks for all the club. You can highlight the number to display current tasks and past due tasks.
You can filter Tasks by:
All Staff - If you want to see tasks assigned to a specific staff member.
All Due Dates - If you want to view tasks that are due Today, Tomorrow, Later, Past Due or all Due Dates.
All Lead Types - Select tasks based on your club's lead types.
All Purposes - Select tasks based on the purpose.
All Priority - Select the tasks priority: All, High, Medium, Low or No priority.
Search by name - Type the customer's name.
Page Size - Select how many tasks you are wanting to view at a time.
Once you filter your tasks, it will display the Work It, Lead Name, Lead Type, Activity, Staff Name, Due Date and Priority.
2. Leads
The Leads tab will display all of the leads added. The number displayed to the left show leads assigned to the staff member currently logged in. The number displayed to the right show all of the club's leads. You can highlight the number to display current leads and unassigned leads at the club.
You can filter your Leads by:
All Staff - If you want to see tasks assigned to a specific staff member.
All Lead Types - Select tasks based on your club's lead types.
All Referral Types - Select leads based on how they heard about the club.
No Freshness Filter - Select by the time they were added in the system.
No Sales Contacted Filter - Select if you want to view if they have been contacted or not.
All Contact Methods - Select how your leads contacted the club: guest (walk-in), telephone inquiry, web/email or guerilla marketing.
Search by name - Type the customer's name.
Page Size - Select how many tasks you are wanting to view at a time.
Assign/Unassigned - Select if you want to view leads assigned or unassigned to a staff member.
Once you filter your leads, it will display the Work It, Lead Name, Referral Type, Contact Method, Entry Time and Contacts.
3. Activity
The Activity tab reflects current data or activity for a specific day. The number displayed to the left show activities assigned to the staff member currently logged in. The number displayed to the right show the club's activities.
You can filter your Activity log by:
All Staff - If you want to see tasks assigned to a specific staff member.
All Lead Types - Select tasks based on your club's lead types.
Search by name - Type the customer's name.
Date - Select from the calendar what date you want to view.
Once you filter your Activity log, it will display a breakdown by Tasks Done, Bookings, New Leads and New Deals. To view more details click on the green down arrow under the Tasks Done tab. A timeline will display the log based on when it occurred. Below you will see the Work It, Time, Lead Name, Activity, Staff Name and Status.
NOTE: In order for Bookings to display on the dashboard, they will need to be setup as Ad-hoc and a Consult.
4. Guest Log
The Guest Log tab reflects guest information for a specific for a specific day. The number displayed to the left show guest log completed by the staff member currently logged in. The number displayed to the right show the club's guest log.
You can filter by: All Staff, All Lead Types, All Purposes or Search by Name. Once you filter you can view: Appointments, Failed Appointments, Guests and Units Sold. A timeline will display the log based on when it occurred.
Requirements - A 'Master Admin' login or a staff login with the following permissions.
- Advanced Business Automation enabled for your club
- Prospect Management - Has lead management dashboard