This article will show you how to determine the status of Wait List bookings.
Part 1. Locating a member's Wait List bookings
Navigate to Member Lookup > Bookings > Bookings & Session Credit Status > Wait List. In the example shown in the screenshot below, you can see that Emily is on the Wait List for three classes.
Part 2. Member cancels Wait List booking
If Emily cancels one of her Wait List bookings through her app, the booking will be highlighted with a red bar and display a note saying the Wait List booking was deleted by System Admin. See screenshot below.
Part 3. Member is moved from the Wait List into the class
If the member is moved from the Wait List and into a class due to another member's booking cancellation, the booking will be highlighted with a green bar and display a note saying this class is now booked by a staff member. Bear in mind, in this case the staff member's name indicates they cancelled a booking from the class which in turn allowed Emily to automatically be moved into the class from the Wait List.
Now that the member is successfully booked into the class, this booking will show in the Open Bookings tab as shown in the screenshot below.