This article will guide you through creating a service at the corporate level that can be used at the club level.
1. Adding a New Service
Navigate to Setup > Scheduling > Services.
New Service Name - Enter your service title for your new service. To add it your list click Add The New Service.
Existing Services - Click the edit pencil icon to continue editing this service.
2. Updating Service Settings
Service Name - At any point you can change the title of the service.
Service Description - If desired, enter a description of the service.
Disabled - Put a check in the disabled box if you wish to discontinue offering this service.
Sales Tax Schedule - Select if this service is taxable.
Available For New Bookings - This will let you know if your service is able to be booked. If this says NO, you will be able to click for more information.
Color On Schedule - Select the color you would like this service to show up on the schedule grid view.
Uses Booking Policy - Select a booking policy. To learn how to create a new booking policy, click here.
Service Is A Sales Consult - Select if this is could be used as a sales consult.
Customers Can Book Online - Select whether or not you wish clients to book this on line.
Must Have Session Credits To Book - Select whether to enforce a client having a session credit in order to be booked into the service.
Automatically Log Bookings - You may choose to use the default settings (from Setup Scheduling> General Settings), or apply a custom setting for this service.
Allow Cross Club Bookings - If this service can booked in multiple locations within your chain, select Yes.
Location Type - Select if the service will be Physical or Virtual (this option will allow you to add a virtual meeting link).
Prevent Clubs From Adding Their Own Booking Flags? - Check this box if you do not want booking flags to be added at the club level.
Booking Time Rules For This Service - You can enforce service bookings to only be made at certain 15 minute increments within the hour.
Update Settings - Click this button to save your settings.
3. Setting Up Session Lengths
You will be able to add a new session length under this tab. Any existing session lengths will appear in a list at the bottom of the page and may be adjusted by selecting the edit pencil. The settings are listed below.
Session Length - Select the session length from the drop down menu.
Session Standard Price - This is the standard price, (What the client pays), if you were to sell just one session at this length. This may be overridden by the package settings.
Session Standard Cost - This is the standard (What you pay staff)
Payroll Code - You can enter the related payroll code.
Available For Custom PIF Purchases - If you wish this service to be available when selling a Custom Paid In Full agreement, you will select Yes and also set your minimum and maximum price.
Initially Disabled - Check this box if you ever wish to disable this service.
Add The New Session Length - to save your changes.
Click HERE to learn about the Booking Flags tab.
Requirements - A 'Master Admin' login or a staff login with the following permissions.
- Corporate - General: Can access corporate setup